Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Happy Chook!

I have an old teapot. It was hand-painted, some years ago, and looks a bit dated. But, it’s still a good teapot, soooo… what to do?

Make a tea cosy!

Well, I sat at my worktable, with all the sounds from outside filtering in. And I must have heard the happy clucking of the neighbours’ chickens, because this is what I came up with.

After a bit of discussion with friends, it has been decided that it is a he. And his name is, ahhh, this is where we get into a bit of bother. The naming camp is divided. Half of us want to call him Frank and the other half can’t go past Cecil.

Anyway, now I’m focused on tea cosies. Frank/Cecil is now listed on Etsy and more tea cosies are evolving.

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